New Movies from Ecuador

New Movies from Ecuador

Movies from Ecuador are hot! Not only in Ecuador. There is an Ecuatorian Film Festival in New York just in this moment. Production support from the Goberment has increased. Film-educated Ecuadorians abroad have returned. Here are some interesting movies from the...

But Lonely George wasn’t dead

But Lonely George wasn’t dead

I knew George when he lived. It may have been in the year 2009 or in 2010, I met him at the Galapagos. He must have been more than 100 years at then. The giant tortoise Lonely George / George Solitario was the very, very last of its kind. And he was it the last 40...

Christmas in Ecuador – What do we do?

Christmas in Ecuador – What do we do?

The big difference between Christmas in Ecuador and Christmas in Northern Europe and the US is the absence of must-do-things. Here on latitude zero, we mustn't bake a lot of cookies for Christmas or have a Christmas tree,  We mustn´t have snow either. The latter is...

Welcome Sr. Assange

Welcome Sr. Assange

The morning of August 16. many waited anxiously the expected decision of the Goberment whether thy will grant the Australian hacker and leader of the controversial organization Wikileaks, Julian Assange, political asylum in Ecuador or not. The main issue in this news...



The friendly town of Baños is located 189 km south of Quito. Visiting Baños is one of the best posibilites to experience the best of the ecuadorian mountain nature. It's easily reached by bus from Quito (but keep an open eye on your hand luggage). Located 1800 meters...

Food in Ecuador

Food in Ecuador

Eating in Ecuador is a real experience. If you want it to be. This little country is the host of various zones of temperature and have access to nearly all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Rice and potatoes could be served on the same dish. Apples and pears are sold...

Latacunga and the celebration of “Mama Negra”

Latacunga and the celebration of “Mama Negra”

In the heart of the Andes, a two hours ride from Quito, we find the city of Latacunga. Like a lot of other places in Ecuador, it is surrounded by beautiful montains. But don't let this picture cheat you. These peaks are not allways too nice. On three occasions the...

The park “El Retiro”

The park “El Retiro”

This week-end, being in the south of Quito, we were inspired to visit the "El Retiro" park. The souther parts of Quito is  the home of the less privileged. From the park we can see the hill "el panecillo" and the backside of the virgin of Quito. The front is reserved...

30th.september year 2010

30th.september year 2010

One year ago. In the beginning it was an ordinary day, in Guayaquil and the rest of Ecuador. I had just finished my work-out at the local gym and was on the way to the lavandry with my clothes. Then the phone called. I was warned about going to the centre of the town....

The heat (Guayaquil)

The heat (Guayaquil)

Guayaquil! (Pronounced Gu-ay-a-kill). In the country of Ecuador,  in the middle of the world, where the sun is concentrating its rays in summer- and wintertime. The heat is killing me. I'm sweating. Taking off the shirt is bad manner when you're in public places.  My...