In the heart of the Andes, a two hours ride from Quito, we find the city of Latacunga. Like a lot of other places in Ecuador, it is surrounded by beautiful montains. But don't let this picture cheat you. These peaks are not allways too nice. On three occasions the...
The day of the dead
In this days with halloweens-screams, kitch monsters and candies, it would be apropriate to go to the bloomy origen. At least the american part of it. Ceremonies and festivals concerning death is not exclusively reserved white christians. The indians had their own...
From Quito to Boliche with the old train
There are not much left of the proud ecuadorian railways. One upon a time running up and down the mountains of the Andes. But some distances ar still preserved for tourism. for instance from the station of Quito to El Boliche, near the National Park Cotopaxi, the old...
Whale watching in Puerto Lopez
It's the same procedure every year. Lovesick whales are visiting the coast of Ecuador in september for doing their stuff. And they do not hide. From the harbour in Puerto Lopez is it posible for tourists to enter boats for whale peeping. With one camera in each hand...
The Green Economy of Ecuador
In Ecuador we buy and sell in american dollars. It hasn't always been like that. Not long time ago, this proud people used their own sucres. Sucre was one of the freedom fighters in the struggle for independence. One condor was equal to 20 sucres. Then, what happened?...
The park “El Retiro”
This week-end, being in the south of Quito, we were inspired to visit the "El Retiro" park. The souther parts of Quito is the home of the less privileged. From the park we can see the hill "el panecillo" and the backside of the virgin of Quito. The front is reserved...
Quito one year after 30-s
The 3oth of september 2010 the ecuadorian constitution was in danger after a riot. The president Raphael Correa was held captured in the police hospitaly. In memory of this day thousands of people were united in the park Carolina in Quito. The slogan was 30-s, the day...
30th.september year 2010
One year ago. In the beginning it was an ordinary day, in Guayaquil and the rest of Ecuador. I had just finished my work-out at the local gym and was on the way to the lavandry with my clothes. Then the phone called. I was warned about going to the centre of the town....
Presentating tourism in Ecuador
Also in Ecuador they do know how to present their tourist industri. This year they reserved the old flight terminal in Guayaquil for this great yearly happening. Our first sight is some indian warriors from the amazonic rainforest. Through their dance they are...
The heat (Guayaquil)
Guayaquil! (Pronounced Gu-ay-a-kill). In the country of Ecuador, in the middle of the world, where the sun is concentrating its rays in summer- and wintertime. The heat is killing me. I'm sweating. Taking off the shirt is bad manner when you're in public places. My...