Whale watching in Puerto Lopez

It’s the same procedure every year. Lovesick whales are visiting the coast of Ecuador in september for doing their stuff. And they do not hide.

From the harbour in Puerto Lopez is it posible for tourists to enter boats for whale peeping. With one camera in each hand they are ready to do their paparazi stuff. Half an hour later all you can see is the blue water all sides around. Where is Moby? The experienced captein is calm. “We always get our whale” he says.

And then; far away he comes. Then nearer. Then another one. And they are big. Are they smelling the blood of a whalecatcher grandfather among the tourists?

The whales rise and dive. They don’t have time posing for pictures. You have to be quick, or else all you get is the ocean blue.

Luckily none of the big animals have in mind compare strength with the little boats. Without captein Ahab this poor humans are no interesting match for the giants of the sea.